Thursday, January 29, 2009

O Happy Day!

Yes, it is a Happy Day. One every unemployed college grad dreams of - I was approved for a deferment for my student loans!

Besides being a huge relief, it comes on a night when I really needed a pick-me-up. God is good.

I promise a real update is coming soon, it's in draft form right now... lots to catch up on. And maybe a day-in-the-life-of-a-sub kind of thing. Exciting stuff, people!

1 comment:

cherigrace said...

YAAAAAAAY!!! You know I want you to write about your day with the Fifth Graders from Hell, who need to be taught by either Snape or Sylar- preferably Snape, I guess, cuz Sylar would just kill them all in the first few minutes. Messy.