The Cubs winning the NL Central TWO YEARS IN A ROW! And Kerry Wood getting the save! And LaRussa and the Deadbirds getting to watch it all happen! And me still being able to make my own schedule so I can be in TN with my mother IF the Cubs should happen to make it to the World Series.
What's not so awesome?
Non-matching verb tenses, run-on sentences, spelling mistakes, punctuation errors. Also sentence fragments. Of which there are. Many. In this blog. As well as much errorz off grammar of all kinds their r in evrywear. I tend to write how I think/speak, particularly when I'm re-telling a story. I also edit and add things in without always re-reading to make sure it makes sense. There's a reason why I have exactly zero interest in teaching English. Ask my mom about me and comma splices sometime. We're BFFs. And no, it's not comma splices and I. Sometimes it IS proper to say "me and ____" or "____ and me". It's also okay now to start sentences with 'and' - which is good as I do that a lot too. Seriously, I think the grammar nerds of the world held a conference and voted on it or something.
Because I am a teacher, and therefore held to a higher standard when it comes to grammar (which I suppose is fair) I feel the need to make this disclaimer:
I hereby apologize for all grammar mistakes past, present, and future, that I make in this blog. Or in life
Feel free, by the way, to call them to my attention and even mock me for it - I'll probably roll my eyes and ignore it without changing it, just to bug the OCD viewers in the crowd. I DO try, honestly, but I'm not going to comb every rambling entry looking for misplaced apostrophes (my mom's other favorite grammar mistake of mine - as in, the difference between cat's and cats. Obvious enough to the average third grader, but not always to me). I care about grammar, I do. I make a real effort in my teaching to, you know, use and teach proper grammar. And please don't hold it against my college professors who taught us all better. One in particular, whom in a 4 week summar class made us spend 2 of those weeks doing nothing but anal grammar excercises.
Some of us grammartards are just unreachable.
My defensive grammar post aside - continue on with your regularly scheduled blogging!
I mean, everyone else is. Blogging, that is. I've apparently started something like a phenomenon in this house. I fully expect Gizmo to be blogging within the week (which would be hilarious...hmmmm).
I like your blog...bad grammar and all! And we should TOTALLY start a Gizmo page..."El Blog". All about his oft-thwarted plans to dominate the free world.
Gah, I wish I could blog about anything and everything like you and Rach do. But no, I need some sort of topic or whatever. Themes are gay!
Anyways, if you wanna read my stupid, gay, themed blog, go to this...
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